The Republic of San Marino is like an infinitesimal point on the earth, like a seed in a field: a small seed in the world. This small seed symbolizes freedom and has developed into a tree that now is ultra-secular, millenary.‘PICCOLO E’ INTELLIGENTE’ = SMALL IS SMART This concept introduces a global view of the small state in the big world. Thanks to the keywords identified with WELCOME, DEMOCRACY, CULTURE, NETWORK, SHOPPING, SMART we can narrate the Republic and deal with the most relevant aspects related to sub-themes proposed.The layout of the pavilion offers an experience to visitors that winds through a few elements easy to understand and that convey the desired information with positivity. On the ground floor the main exhibition hall presents itself as one open space where there are small, different “ambiances” within that communicate and show different content thanks also to technology. On the first floor, the big tree coming out of the floor will be the background of the VIP lounge and operational offices. In this area, reserved to special guests it will be possible to taste the produce of San Marino and continue the experience started at the ground floor.