The Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino has requested a project aimed at enhancing its internals (the building that was designed by us originally for other uses). Antao progetti has worked out a re-arrangement project which locates spaces and services which can facilitate the access to the different services. The project includes also the conference room and the library. A large glass door, leads to the reception which is character by a retro illuminate cream coloured wall. The big desk which receives clients, seems to go through the wall beside in dark metal, dividing space into two different parts: on the right the waiting room and the services, on the left the corridor which allow to get in the offices. The reception desk made of white crystal è has a sinuous form and the ceiling re-calls a wave made in glass. The walls are white, while the ceiling is painted in a particular blue. The conference room is all dressed in high-tec material, following a horizontal movement, the warm colours combine with the travertino stone. At the end of the room, over the table of the speakers, a skylight was recreated, source of a pleasant diffused illumination. On the opposite side of the conference room entrance, the wall is framed with a metal finish which functions as the background of the artistic works in exposition or for the possible arrangement of a catering. The new library includes a bank for interlibrary loan, a consultation room and an important collection of sect oral books. Glass, metal and wood have also been used for the library.